Thursday 31 December 2009

When will the carnage stop? When the psychiatric drugging stops.

by Kieron McFadden

It doesn’t get any better does it?

In the same week that Nidal Malik Hasan was slaughtering his fellow soldiers in Texas, Jason Rodriguez (neither a soldier nor a Muslim) went on the rampage in an Orlando, Florida office building, shooting dead one victim and wounding five others.

Rodriguez is confirmed to have been on psychiatric medications when he went on his shooting spree: in a televised interview with Fox News, his former mother-in-law said, "He was under medication ...for control of the brain." and went on to explain that mind-altering medications made her former son-in-law "paranoid."

Such paranoia and the dramatization of violent impulses against others are well documented and known side effects of psychiatric drugs.

Indeed, these powerful, mind-altering drugs have been linked to virtually every major shooting that has taken place in the United States and elsewhere over the last several decades, for example the Columbine school shooting, the Virginia Tech shooting, the Stephen Kazmierczak Illinois shooting, the Omaha mall shooting and so on. And on. And on…...

Psychiatric drugs are the culprit behind more than just these violent rampages. As psychiatric drugging of the people increases, so do violence and crime of all kinds surge, so does mental illness and so does suicide and drug addiction. For example, according to Medwatch, a staggering 63,000 people in the U.S. alone have committed suicide while on antidepressant drugs and that incidentally is more than ten times the number who have died from swine flu. Yet the fuss is made about Swine Flu, not that which has killed ten times as many Americans.

This psycho-pharmacy instigated and propelled onslaught is fast becoming history’s first truly global social catastrophe. It is not something that "just sort of happens." It is created and caused, precipitated, perpetuated and nurtured by certain pharmaceutical corporations and their psychiatric pushers.

The connection between these social catastrophes and this psychiatric onslaught is so glaringly obvious and easily proven that even a politician or a journalist ought to be able to see it. Yet somehow they contrive not to.

Get this: we are talking about the deaths of THOUSANDS of people every year and the creation of universal drug dependency so that a few private profit corporations can get very, very rich. While this is going on - indeed rapidly escalating, right in front of its eyes, your government does nothing. It acts collectively and to all intents and purposes as if it does not care. If it cared, it would do something about it wouldn’t it?

Yet drugs manufacturers go on concocting and marketing their dangerous, mind-altering drugs and psychiatrists go on legitimizing and pushing them and those who should be protecting the public from such mayhem, far from doing their duty, actually aid and abet the perpetrators.

Meanwhile the citizenry continues to be lied to, duped, drugged, debilitated and killed.

This is not going to stop. The rampages, murders, violence, suicides and depression will continue to escalate, inside the military as well as outside it, until their CAUSE is removed.

Electing slick politicians will not resolve it, doing nothing will not resolve it, blaming religion, television, atheism, parents, teachers or even Satan will not resolve it. It will just get worse until the day comes when we find ourselves with an honest government that will truly act in the interests of all the people and derail this rogue psycho-pharmaceutical gravy train.

Hopefully that day will come soon before many more people have to die and while we still have some civilization left in which to operate.

You think I am being harsh?

No doubt some politician will say I am unjust to say he does not care.

My answer to him or her is simple:

Prove it.

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